Over the last year Growing Solutions has worked with students from UCSB’s Coastal Service Program on a variety of Santa Barbara restoration projects as part of GS's Healthy Habitat program. The Coastal Service Program is dedicated to preserve, protect, and enhance the terrestrial and marine habitats associated with the shoreline of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Hosting various clubs, sororities, fraternities and groups at UCSB gives Growing Solutions staff an opportunity to work with students outside of the restoration community. Many students we work with are majoring in areas without an environmental health emphasis and so we have a golden opportunity to show how PLANTS MATTER (happily said) to everyone. Through plant propagation and nursery work students gain an understanding of the importance of native plants and specifically plants important to our local wetlands, ocean bluffs and beaches. We’d like to thank students from Phi Sigma Pi, Lambda Theta Nu and La Escuelita de UCSB for spending time and attention with us.